Have you tried Harmonized Water yet! If you haven't you must try today! This amazing scientific technology works and the liver doesn't take a hit from having to metabolize over-the-counter medication or worse pharmaceuticals for menstrual cramps! Skeptical? I know me too! I have never had any menstrual cramps so I am not a good resource but I have tried the sunscreen water and that product was nothing short of amazing. I never go anywhere without it! All of my kids use it all the time. The only exception is at the beach we use "extra" protection. Every cell in your body has its own frequency much like a fingerprint. Harmonized Water works by communicating therapeutic messages imprinted on water. Harmonized Water resets cell frequencies restoring the body to an optimal state. As organ systems improve, so does the skin. Harmonized Water is designed to function in 3 ways:
There is much reporting going on in the liquid water "frequency" world of science skincare that is making its way into main-stream attention! You might want to pick up some new make-up while you are on the Osmosis Medical Skincare Site.
http://www.osmosisskincare.com and your healthcare provider code to purchase is 5662 Comments are closed.
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