Mental Health and Depression is a big issue in today's professionals as well in the general public. Food full of toxins and chemicals has taken its toll on the human body. I counsel people all the time with mild depression, which is people functioning daily but really not feeling happy. Feeling this way is a real bummer and you need to get out of this "stuck" place. Many times its related to your gut and you are not aware that the food you are eating and the micro-nutrients are not getting into your blood stream at the level high enough to make the ever so important brain nutrients. You don't need to live this way and we can make it better but it does take some time. While we work on the process of what is causing your "feelings" of just not happy or just not "living with excitement" you can begin to load the nutrients daily into your body in a supplement formulated for your brain. The nutrients have to be clean, toxin-free and very well made. After we get you temporarily feeling better its time to work on the cause of poor mental health feelings which can be related to gluten, heavy metals, food sensitivities or a host of other "fixable" problems. Start the Neuro Mood Pure Pack daily and keep connected right here to follow my teachings. I'll be hosting a Dr. Carly LIVE streaming show once every week that is going to focus on all the preventable problems that many people are dealing with. You may not have a "critical health" issue but any issue is critical to "you" because you know you can feel better, MUCH better, if you had someone to work with or someone to help you.
Another option you have is to join the "Membership" section of this site and take nutrition and detoxification Classes. The membership is very affordable at $10 a month, so anyone & everyone can get the help they need. The Membership Section is my answer to the lack of Prevention and Educational Teaching in Health Care. |
My Goals
(1) reduce cost (2) teach health strategies (3) improve the health of family and community! Topics