It sure has been a crisis “in situ” the last few months as the world scientific community scrambled to “figure out” what this virus is and at the same time implement a massive global public health strategy to stop the metastasis of the NEW corona virus. Those of you who follow my diet know I am personally against eating animals listed in the Bible as "unclean" or "unfit" for humankind. It's a simple choice you "get" to make. There is such a long list of "clean" animals that I have enough options! It is known that China among many other cultures have people that enjoy eating bats, snakes, and dogs that are known to transmit viruses such as SARS, MERS, Swine Flu and now the Coronaviurs. BUT researchers have yet to pinpoint when, where or how the virus was transmitted from animals to humans. According to Business Insider is was projected back on February 26, 2020 by the American Hospital Association, which represents thousands of hospitals and health systems, in a webinar that there could be as many as 96 million cases in the US, 4.8 million hospitalizations, and 480,000 deaths associated with the novel (new) coronavirus. Click here for full story This Corona virus strain is new to humans as this particular coronavirus found a new species: ours! Research reports for thousands of years, a parasite with no name lived happily among horseshoe bats in southern China. One day it mutated dramatically or even took a segment of a different coronavirus strain that already inhabited its new host, and morphed into a hybrid or a better, stronger version of itself, Many people inaccurately thought this was just the coronavirus aka “common cold” and many took to social media using the phrase "more people die of the Flu each year and the country never reports it" and therefore, many people did not listen to CDC warnings and they kept congregating until this virus was out of control and we have been “chasing it" ever since. If it wasn’t for social media iPhones personal videos uploaded to twitter before China got after these folks and stopped the videos, we might never had gotten a glance inside China. One particular video that really disturbed me was from a mortician who was burning bodies she said within a "one hour mandate of death" from the government authorities. She said her staff was completely overwhelmed and her voice was in a disturbing panic. What was most concerning on these twitter videos the mortician fixed her voice and face so you could not tell who she was, but she take a chance and upload to "warn" the world. Investigative reports tell us one tiny invisible spec got on one human and today we are battling a global pandemic. The world’s confirmed cases doubled in 7 days: March 19, 2020 213,000 March 26, 2020 467,000 Deaths: 21,000 USA: March 26, 2020 80,000 confirmed cases Scientists confirmed in the Journal Science on March 16, 2020 that for every confirmed case there are likely 5 to 10 more people in the community with an undetected infection. Looking back over my social media postings in February I remember when I saw a personal cell phone video of people falling over and crashing onto the floor in the emergency department. I couldn't believe what I was watching. One of bodies filmed was left lying on the floor as people were walking around it. When these videos surfaced back in January, I remember talking to my kids (who are either in medical residency or 4th year med school as we watched in disbelief). I knew something with this virus was not right. It wasn’t until I saw the CDC post on twitter when the USA CDC began “screening” at 3 major airports on 1/27/2020. I said to my kids that day “when you see this happening pay attention.” Here is what we know so far:
Non-influenza Respiratory Virus Review 1. Human rhinoviruses (HRVS) Most frequent and leading cause of the common cold and upper airway pathogen. There are over 100 serotypes identified which cause disease in persons of all ages with the highest incidence documented in young children. Distribution from Pneumococcal to Shigella, to Meningococcal disease and Intestinal pathogenic. 2. Parainfluenze – Most infections are in children and limited to the upper respiratory tract. Antivirals no proven efficacy. Children with croup see improved cliical outcomes with glucocorticoids and nebulized epinephrine. 3. Adenovirus (hAdV) are divided into 57 serotypes and seven species. They manifest in respiratory tract, ocular, GI, genitourinary tract, and central nervous system, among others. Adenoviruses infect susceptible hosts by the mouth, nasopharynx or ocular conjunctiva. Key cellular receptors include CAR (coxsackie-adenovirus receptor). Confirmation of infection can be confused by latent infection in some tissues, such as the tonsils, and intermittent and sometimes prolonged shedding of virus from throat or in the stool for months to years after primary infection. Pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia are common Adenoviruses. 4. Coronavirus - are RNA viruses and commonly cause mild upper respiratory tract infections, although occasionally result in more severe disease in immunocompromised individuals. Two new human coronaviruses both found in bats are: (2002) SARS-CoV – severe acute respiratory syndrome – associated corona virus. (Group B) (Intermediate mammalian hosts civet cats) (No vaccine) (2012) MERS-Cov- Middle East respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus which may cause serious viral pneumonitis, leading to hospitalizations and deaths. (Group C) (Intermediate mammalian hosts, dromedary camels) (No vaccine) 5. (2005) Human Bocavirus Infection appears to occur year-round with peak in winter. Most children have antibodies to HBoV1 by age 6 and most adults have detected antibodies. V1 is respiratory and V2 is stool. 6. Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) - hMPV results in typically self-limited upper and lower respiratory tract infections in all age groups with a global distribution. Symptomatic disease appears to be more common among young children and the elderly. hMPV is the second most frequently isolated viral pathogen, after RSV, in children presenting with bronchiolitis. There is currently no licensed vaccine against hMPV, although several are currently under investigation. 7. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - (RSV) is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA paramyxovirus that includes two major groups, A and B, each of which consists of 5 to 6 genotypes. RSV is known to be an important cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants and young children (e.g. acute bronchiolitis, wheezy attacks), resulting in hospitalizations and deaths. RSV infections in infants and young children can lead to severe lower respiratory tract illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis. At present, there is no established antiviral therapy or vaccine available for RSV. To learn more about Covid-19 and Prevention check out "this week in Virology TWiV " An Ounce of Prevention Pod Cast recorded on March 31, 2020. Click Here References/Source: 1. Yan, Zhang, Lif, Xia, Guo, Zhou (2020) Structural basis for the recognition of SARS-CoV-2 by full length human ACE2. Science 2. Dr. H. Zwickey, PhD, Natural Medicine Journal 3. Washington Post 3/19/2020 CoronaVirus Projections 4. Pappas, S. LIVESCIENCE 5. Kormann, (3//27/2020). From Bats to Human lungs, the evolution of a coronavirus. The New Yorker 6. Ison, M., Lee, N. (2017) Noninfluenze Respiratory Viruses. ScienceDirect. |
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