In this season of my life I feel a strong sense of urgency in my prayer life to pull communities of believers & families TOGETHER for such a time as this. I wrote this blog February 28, 2015 but decided to publish it after community church services on Sunday March 1, 2015 and here is why............ Instead of attending regular church services March 1st, my husband and I stayed home to do an internet research project regarding the "current state of the church." We started our morning in prayer and then we began our church research project. We gathered a sample size by searching a list of churches located in around the NC/SC who offered on-line LIVE streaming services. We documented what topics the Pastors were preaching on this very "important" Sunday morning. We wanted to assess if church organizations were praying for Israel and/or Nations Leaders or connecting current events such as the Prime Minister of Israels visit to Washington, with Biblical Prophecy. I felt like I was in a bad dream as we realized that many churches are not understanding or connecting the seasons of the times. It appears the chronic condition of the post-modern church needs to re-open the veins that return the blood flow to its heart and let God re-OXYGENATE the blood or a fatal church heart attack with death as the outcome could be the prognosis. Now is the time for Bible believing families to come together and STAND WITH ISRAEL AND WITH PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. The church must REPENT and pray for Revival, Community, Heritage and the Future of America. The families spiritual, moral and ethical world view is critical to every aspect of life. Every family has Talents, Resource and Skills that can all be used to Glorify God out in the community. There are so many opportunities to get involved in Community and Fight for American Values but you must step "outside" the comfort of the four walls of the church to do it! Pastor John Hagee Ministries has educated America through many TV appearances, books, and conferences. He has stated "There is a sense in the world that things are changing and God is trying to communicate with us in a supernatural way." Pastor Hagee went on to state that he believes "The Four Blood Moon Cycles are seasons when we are going to see something dramatic happen in the Middle East involving Israel that will change the course of history in the Middle East and impact the whole world!" I recommend you read the article written by Erick Stakelbeck, CBN News Correspondent titled "Divine Sign for Israel?" In this article Pastor Hagee explains The Four Blood Moons. The blood moons are discussed in the Book of Acts, the Apostle Peter repeats a verse from Joel, and the book of Revelation stating that during the Great Tribulation, "the moon will become like blood." "The sun and the moon and the Earth are controlled by God almighty," Hagee said. "He is the one that is getting them in a direct alignment on a certain day at a certain time -- but each time, it's a Passover or Sukkot. Blood moons appeared April 2014, on Passover, and then again in October 2014 during the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. The timing is the same for 2015 -- a total of four blood moons, all appearing on Jewish feast days. On March 3, 2015, the day before PURIM the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress on the catastrophic danger of a nuclear Iran. This was the most important speech of his life. Elle Wiesel, an 86 year old Holocaust Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate attended. (Mr. Wiesel author of "NIGHT" a famed book that documented his horrific experiences in Nazi concentration camps.) Mr. Wiesel was featured in a full-page newspaper advertorial that ran in both the New York Times and the Washington Post, Reuters reported.and he has stated " I have seen the enemies of the Jewish people make good on threats to exterminate us, how can I remain silent?" Besides the fact that Standing With Israel is a biblical mandate, the reason my passion for Israel is best explained by my personal life experience as a christian mother. God tapped me on the shoulder and HE sent beautiful adopted twin souls into my arms. Upon connecting with their beautiful birth mother I found out the twins were Jewish! This event turned our family into discovering the Jewish Roots of Christianity as we studied as best we could in preparation to teach our babies how to live a Jewish Heritage! This promise & goal opened an entire community of rabbis and very special Jewish friends who taught and guided our journey. As a Christian health provider who has taught biblical nutrition and healing principles for the past 20 years, adding in the teachings of the Jewish Roots to our family table was exciting and it elevated my spiritual approach to food, medicine and family to a much greater level! A few years after our adoption of Joshua & Jessica, my older son Logan was required to read a book by Elle Wiesel, called "NIGHT" for an early college enrollment history course he was taking at Horry Georgetown Technical College. I read Night with him because I wanted too and because being his "homeschool teacher and mother, I really wanted to make sure his first college paper was well written coupled with the fact that I knew he had little knowledge regarding the Holocaust. In this process both Logan and I set out to meet a Holocaust Survivor Irving Roth who happened to be speaking at USC. We were changed forever as well as our entire family after reading this book and meeting Irving Roth. As Christians we were "broken." These particular events renewed a fire in us that was started years earlier in our family when HE called us to re-arrange our careers so we could have more flexibility to serve HIM. Long story short we changed from a 10 year stable Community Career in Anesthesiology to re-locating for 1 year for Fellowship Training in Pain Management for Dr. Ken and upgrading to DNP Doctoral expertise and Seminary Training for me. In this process of re-arranging our lives for ministry work we learned to walk by faith as we gave up current careers, sold our beach home, cars, furniture, as well as changed churches, friends, communities, states, and managed the lost income in order for Ken to "go back to fellowship status" at Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA. Medical colleagues told us we were "crazy" to loose the income and our medical practice as an Anesthesiologist in NC, however, as you probably might have guessed, our loss was given back to us above and beyond measure which we sowed right back into Israel! We lived, we listened, we trusted, and today, years later we see the entire picture of our ministry and medical practice! During the process we could only see one day at a time. Today we are uniquely positioned "owning" our own profitable medical practice, which opens & closes based on our Mission Schedule, Jewish Feast Schedule, Ministry work and when ever we feel like it! Today, our Ministry is an extension of the church within community systems in society. We use our education to teach who our Creator is through evolution vs. creation seminars. Standing for biblical values is critical to family and community survival as well as the biblical mandate to Stand With Israel Persecuted Christians Globally. If you would like to get involved with national outreach that advocate work for Israel check out Christians United For Israel (CUFI) Click here! CUFI is the largest Pro-Israel Organization in the U.S. with 2 Million Members! Our family started to give to CUFI in 2008! If you are local get involved with the local CUFI Horry County Community Organization and or attend a Pastors and Leaders Middle East Briefing. If you have a heart for college students and future leaders why not support CUFI on Campus currently on the Campus of Coastal Carolina University. Click Here. The 2015 S.C. Tea Party Convention held in Myrtle Beach, SC. this past January with record attendance and renewed faith & patriotism! This past week was the Conservative Political Action Conference, the Nation's largest gathering of Conservatives and the AIPAC, American Pro-Israel Lobby National Conference both held in Washington D.C. The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and the United States. Here is a brief list of Educational Advocacy Opportunities that you might be interested in getting involved in. 1. The South Carolina National Security Action Summit March 14, 2015 8:00 am to 5:00pm RSVP by Saturday, March 7: [email protected] Join policy makers, legislators, law enforcement leaders, and concerned citizen activists for a day of penetrating analysis of national security matters that shape the future of South Carolina and our nation as a whole. 2. Center For Security Policy Contact Tommy Walker Director State Legislative Outreach [email protected] 202-302-1974 The Center For Security Policy is a non-partisan educational corporation established in 1988. Nationally and Internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters. 3. American Majority: Effectivism Activism That Works, Anytown U.S.A. or email [email protected] As an informed voter you are an asset to any campaign. Local, County, State, National! 4. Obamatrade Merges the US with Nations that Persecute Christians. Congress Has To Pass It To Find Out What's In It. Get the facts. 5. Stop Common Core in South Carolina South Carolina Parents Involved in Education See the solution to Common Core. Dates to be Concious of: We are currently in the 70th Jubilee cycle since the very first Jubilee, which occurred when Joshua led the children of Israel into the promised land and liberated it from the Canaanites. The word "Jubilee" comes from Yobel. At the blowing of the seventh trumpet, the walls of Jericho collapsed. March 2-3 The beginning of The Feast of Purim and also Bill Salus introduces Jeremiah's prophecy concerning ancient Elam (Nuclear Iran) on TBN with Jonathan Cahn, Mark Biltz, & Perry Stone to an International audience of Millions. March 3 Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses the U.S. Congress. March 17 Elections in Israel March 20 (NISAN 1 ADAR 29) Solar Eclipse, March 24 The P5+1 hope to cut a nuclear deal with Iran. April 3 (sundown) to April 11 PASSOVER & BLOOD MOON April 4 Blood Moon September 28 SUKKOT BLOOD MOON "Community involvement is Healing for your Soul and it keeps you spiritually fit! When you are spiritually healthy you will have the drive to keep your body, and nutrition healthy! It all works together when you serve the God of the Universe! Keep those heart veins open " Blessings, Dr. Carly
My Goals
(1) reduce cost (2) teach health strategies (3) improve the health of family and community! Topics