Home Schooling starts out each day in my home with healthy nutrition. A nut milk or grass-fed-finished kefir smoothie with organic vegetables and fruit is usually how we get our heads in the game! You can't preach something you have never lived & that is the problem in healthcare. We must re-connect the family back to organic produce and return to the value systems that stop chronic disease both physically and mentally. The family is the core unit of any healthy society. Nothing hurts the family more than a cancer diagnosis from the never ending use of poisons and toxins allowed sprayed and added into the food systems. We don't need to add more medications into our medical plan for kids who cannot sit still in school or focus. Our children need filtered clean water, healthy meals, chemical free food and taught in school how to plant chemical free gardens. Children do not sit still and when they do thats when I do worry. Boys and girls main goal is playing and having fun. Who wants a boring sterile institutional setting when you are a kid! Why are we medicating them instead of creating opportunities that teach them to love learning and make it exciting! Healthcare needs more wellness focused advocates and well rounded thinkers and healers not more employees following the pharmaceutical model. Poor food choices, lack of physical activity and over medicating kids just raises more unhealthy adults. Chronic disease and its devastating consequences all ends in the same place, and that is financial disaster for the family and a life no one would chose if they could go back in time. In the United States over 50 MILLION procedures a year are done outpatient and 9.7 million surgeries are performed in-patient. Neurodegenerative chronic disease is an extreme concern in healthcare and the cost to the adult children is massive as most memory units are private pay and nursing homes are disgusting places and are screaming for reform. Once the brain begins to decline it becomes extremely difficult to reverse. We are seeing a rise in ADHD, Addiction, Alzheimer Disease, as well as all the other forms of Dementia Diseases. A two year controlled study was done on 100 school age kids way back in 1970. They followed the kids for 33 years. Long story short we now know that we don't know for sure what the long term effects of medication are on the brain. This is because of the great difficulty of treating patients scientifically and systematically having a way for long term follow-up. Parents have to weigh the unknowns of long-term medication use against the known risks. Treating ADHD with pharmaceuticals must be weighed against treating with safer diet and lifestyle changes that have shown long term positive results in every area of disease. Today we have 4 million children ages 4 to 17 diagnosed with ADHD. 11% are younger school age and 19% are high school students. Most kids are initially diagnosed between 3 and 6 years old. We must ask the question, who's to blame for putting young children ages 3 to 6 years old on powerful mind altering medications with LONG TERM consequences? When parents notice symptoms that is the time to start lifestyle interventions not pharmaceuticals. I have noticed in my nursing practice that little girls typically present with a parent saying their child has been labeled withdrawn, low self-esteem, and anxious by teacher. Little boys present with their parents telling me teachers have said their son has "lack of focus", is running, hitting, inattentiveness and "problem" behavior. I hear this all the time as I listen to the parent version of what they experience in the school systems. These presenting symptoms are completely NORMAL for young children. I worry when boys are not running and taking in their world. Sitting them down at a desk for hours and not expecting a lack of focus would be abnormal in a 6 year old. I'd be thinking anemia from toxic dairy if I saw this in a classroom. Now I work in a very small community and I have worked with so many of these kids because the kids know me from church or sports and their parents know me as well. It's a very special relationship of trust that big that healthcare living in community once had but has been lost to big tech/big pharma taking over healthcare and all the physicians private practices. We are getting to the point where mid-levels see surgical patients and physicians meet their patient's on the day of their surgery....that is terrible care and could get much worse. (I digress!) Anyway, back to the topic, little girls separated from the security of their parent and home and put on a bus (with bigger people, like extremely loud middle schoolers) and then getting off in an over-crowded institution at this young age & coupled with eating terrible meals at school can produce anxiety, which is normal, given the situation. The teachers need to be trained to focus school more around joy inspiring these young minds and usher in the love of learning, which can be done in many ways. Even college models of sitting in a seat is only 50 minutes and its every other day or a T/Th model but students have it much better once they get on campus. We really stress these young children and force them into a chair for the whole day and by Middle School they never get outside. This is why kids hate school. Where is the inspiration of raising thinkers, innovators, foreign language lovers and inventors? We are not going to accomplish this with the 1970's model still operating in public schools and putting all the children on mind altering pharmaceuticals. Prescribing dangerous medications is NOT the long term solution. Fixing the diet and the GUT imbalance is the only answer because it is the root cause of ADHD. If a baby was born by C-section and/or not breast fed, this child has no starter good bacteria in the small intestine. Correcting fast food diets full of sugar and processed chemicals, sterilized, pasteurized, and hormone filled products is where we should focus all research. No good gut bacteria means a child has neurological issues because they are not creating the neruo-transmitters in the gut that need to run the brain. An entire factory of neurotransmitters, vitamins, and other required substances is all produced by the good bacteria in the gut. Antibiotics used critically in children and removed from the animals completely and the dyes, and sprayed produce should be illegal. Meat/dairy and produce needs to be labelled and the tricks and lies to get around saying what you know you are not saying needs to be regulated. Grass fed for 1 day is not grass fed for life. No hormones added? Does that mean no homrones EVER added? Testing, evaluating and correcting nutritional deficiencies of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, or antioxidants imbalances should be the primary concern of a health and wellness practitioner but a parent cannot go to a health & wellness practitioner because they jumped ship when they realized they could not bill for their services. Insusrance only pays for disease management and disease diagnosis comes with ICD Codes to bill the gov't or 3rd party payers. There is no ICD Code to bill for identifying yeast species that interfere with brain physiology that must be killed off and re-populate good bacteria so the child's gut produces serotonin! Or said another way according to pubmed; In addition to influencing development and maturation of the host immune system, the gut microbiota has a number of important functions in the host, including breakdown of ingested complex carbohydrates, protection against pathogenic bacteria and metabolic functions including production of vitamins, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and bile acid biotransformation6. The importance of neonatal bacterial colonization for the growth of a healthy individual is clear and exhibits the power that the microbiome has on its host from an early stage in development. Medications will never be able to fix the imbalance of toxins in the body. A toxic body and brain certainly correlates to improper behavior and is no fault of the child. The cost of polluting our world is costing tax payers over $14,576 per year to treat ADHD. That is $42.5 BILLION per year in the United States and according to published research and is a conservative estimate. We must and can do better in healthcare policy. We know medications are NOT the answer because there has been a 42% INCREASE in the diagnosis of ADHD in the last 8 years. When disease gets worse the treatment protocol is not working.......! Males are 3x more likely to get labeled a problem student and treated with powerful mind altering medications. We have 4% of adults with the diagnoses of ADHD disorder taking powerful medications that alter brain chemistry that have NEVER been studied for long term consequences. Most adults are also on a host of "other" medications for other systemic abnormalities, so now we have drug to drug interactions to study. I cannot stand around and read the newest calculation reported in the literature that every 67 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and projected rise to every 33 seconds! This is not good folks and we must begin to look at our diets, lifestyles, spirituality, stress control, and exercise as preventative treatments. As a second option we MUST embrace biochemical-molecular-human terrain medicine. This involves analyzing the GUT and identifying the improper imbalances of the friendly bacteria verses the toxic bacteria that goes down the wrong metabolic pathway and produces chemicals we can measure that we know produces other chemicals that make people very sick with physical and mental symptoms. We have studies that looked at 742,939 kids with ADHD and there was a 3 fold increase in constipation and a 6 fold increase in fecal incontinence. Do you know what causes constipation and fecal incontinence? This comes from bowel inflammation which comes from poor diet and/or food sensitivities. Bathroom breaks should not be an "organized" planned event at school or worse tell a child NO they may not go to the bathroom. Kids are "holding" bowel movements for hours and that is extremely bad for their diagnosed ADHD. Mothers need to plan morning routines that are not rushed and relaxed so the child can evacuate the bowels in the morning. No yelling, no rushing, no craziness in the mornings. The mother runs the show and sets the tranquility of her home. Your family is your ministry and you must honor God with the calm holiness of a morning routine that protects your child for the entire day until they return to you. Please feel free to contact me to speak at your church or organization as we work together for the health of all the children! |
My Goals
(1) reduce cost (2) teach health strategies (3) improve the health of family and community! Topics