Here is a quote from Andrew C. McCarthy in the National Review Online regarding the 2012 election “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” That was the ubiquitous rally cry of Republican leaders." The country yawned. About 11 million fewer Americans voted for the two major-party candidates in 2012 -- 119 million, down from 130 million in 2008. In fact, even though our population has steadily increased in the last eight years (adding 16 million to the 2004 estimate of 293 million Americans), about 2 million fewer Americans pulled the lever for Obama and Romney than for George W. Bush and John Kerry.” As a mother I say "Government is run by those who show up!" My advice to you is SHOW UP! Get involved politically and take every opportunity to get your college students involved. There are some excellent leadership development organizations that college students can and should get involved in if we are serious about our U.S. Constitution and Biblical Mandate to Stand With Israel. Click Here for Christians United For Israel on Campus that has blessed my older kids with advocacy and leadership training at a National Level. I love S.C. Governor Nikki Haley’s American Story and I highly recommend you read her book Can't Is Not an Option. The words Can’t Is Not An Option is how mothers have always done it! Your family has to stay in the game and not take Christianity, Freedom or the Right to VOTE for granted. Ronald Reagan said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known freedom again.” This quote should send chills up and down the spine of every Biblical Mother! I am not going to spend time in this blog discussing America’s current cultural demise with a bunch of depressing statistics because I believe that any person with a pulse can look around our country and deduce for themselves the critical urgency parents have facing them today. Godly parents who love our country, liberty and freedoms know the sacrifice it takes to keep this nation great. I believe a mother can change the course of every generation if she brings revival to her home. The church keeps talking about revival but I believe revival will only come when it starts in the home first! There is so much rhetoric coming from government these days that it is hard to control the noise and decipher out the truth without a team of “fact check” experts. We have some new kids on the political play-ground for 2016 and we have some bullies who have hung-around too long, but take a look back and you will see not much is changing and we have never been more vulnerable as a nation. It is time for mothers to do what they have always done when the family and nation come under attack. It is the solid rock of faith we stand on and we are a force in society. Our voice is more influential in the ears of our husbands, children, friends and community than any news media outlet. It is time for a GRASS ROOTS Movement to take back our country and communities as we lift up the sanctity of marriage, children, family, democracy, constitutional law and Judeo-Christianity! Unlike, Hilary Clinton I love to stay home and bake cookies for my family and unlike Democratic strategist Hillary Rosen I completely support working mother's AND stay-at-home mothers. I work to help my female patients during medical appointments to not only stay healthy but support and encourage them to achieve their goals, build a legacy and inspire greatness in their own children! It is time to step down from politics the moment you tweet anger or insults to another public servant. Once this " mind-set" is in your heart you no longer are a servant that is representing the people, you are now full of pride and its about your ego instead of our countries future and our children's future. The Bible tells us "out of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34 I'll close with words from Rabbi Lazer Gurkowan. "Our mothers give us the foundation upon which we build. Foundations are not usually visible. They aren't meant to be. They are concealed by the buildings atop them. But at times of turmoil, when the building crumbles, the foundation can once again be glimpsed. Its solid surface cannot be shaken. The entire building can be rebuilt upon it" Blessings Dr. Carly Comments are closed.
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