A great way for me to teach scripture and nutrition is to show you how to apply the words of Jesus to your home life and the health of your body and brain! Let’s discuss a miracle in the gospel of Mark in the fifth chapter. (Mark is located in the New Testament section of the Bible)
This verse discusses an episode of the daughter of Jairus a ruler of a Galilee synagogue (which in that day meant a rich patron of the local house of worship) and he begged Jesus to heal his 12-year-old daughter. Jesus agrees to go to Jairus's home and takes Peter, James, and John with him. I must interject this one side note that on the way to Jairus's home Jesus and his disciples find themselves in a crowd and the scripture tells us that a woman in this crowd (who had been bleeding for 12 years) reaches out and grabs the "fringe of Jesus cloak" and instantly receives a miracle. In the ancient custom of Torah law that would be making a kosher rabbi "unclean” Her "issue" of blood made her unclean (Lev 15). And suddenly a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment Matthew 9:20 Long story short this unclean "bleeding" woman could not eat with her husband and kids if she did the cooking, and they could not sit where she sat, and they were not allowed to TOUCH her. She also wasn't allowed into the worship services! Yet, she hears about Rabbi Jesus and when she got the opportunity she reached out and TOUCHED him! Unclean or not the whole community knew she was not allowed to contaminate a Rabbi's Tallit or Prayer Shawl and could have been put to death on the spot. So, in an instant Mosaic Law was reversed supernaturally! She was made clean, healed, purified and whole body-mind-soul and returned as wife and mother to her family by the power of Jesus as he called her "daughter." Remember, the Torah says, "you will see the tzitzit (prayer shawl) and thus remember all the commandments of God." The primary purpose of the tzitzit is in ancient times, the tassels were part of the hem of a garment, and the hem symbolized the wearer's authority. Tassels were only worn by a royal person. The color of the pray shawl tzitzit or tassels was white, but among the white cords on each tassel there was one blue strand. This color combination was part of the royalty significance. In the Old Testament we read about David who cut off the corner of King Saul's robe, symbolically demonstrating that the king's authority would be cut off. 91 Samuel 24-26). So, getting back to Jairus the next moment finds Jairus's family coming to tell him that his 12-year-old baby girl died and Rabbi Jesus is too late. BUT Jesus goes on to tell Jairus "Do not fear, only believe." I think Jairus looked at the women who was bleeding and gained so much faith in that moment! Jesus takes off with Peter, James, and John and proceeds to go the child’s home. Jesus rebukes the mourners, and tells them the daughter is NOT dead. Jesus takes the parents and his disciples and goes into the room of the child and reaches out and takes her hand. Mosaic Law is reversed again by Jesus because in Numbers 5 it states touching dead bodies defiles a living person and he takes authority over death! He has showed the Jewish people twice now, that HE is the authoritative Messiah about whom the prophets taught! Jesus tells the little 12-year-old to arise and she immediately gets up and walks around which I am sure completely freaked her mother out who had been with her dead body all this time weeping. Jesus then tells her mother to "feed her." You don't feed a dead or sick person! Mark 5:43 states "He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat." So, think about if your child was sick and died right before your eyes in your home and Jesus appeared in the room! When HE raised your child from the dead completely healed and told you to feed your child right now what would you go grab from your kitchen? I can tell you one thing you better not pull out something processed like soda, hot dogs, lunch meat, or frozen microwave food or you can expect a rebuke from Jesus! I'll talk about biblical eating in another blog but for this post lets leap over to a great food you can have in your home should you need a miracle in your body! Sprouting and Microgreens are a very powerful foods that bring healing to the body. Sprouts & Microgreens are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are also packed full of the essential amino acids, such as phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, arginine, and more. Sprouting significantly improves the nutritional attributes of the fat and carbohydrates in the seeds. There is evidence in the scientific literature that vitamin C was increased after sprouting in many genotypes of seeds. Anti-nutritional factors linked to inflammation in adult plants such as phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors are decrease after sprouting. Sprouting is a much safer way to increase your iron for those who test deficient in iron and must supplement it. The consumption of broccoli sprouts for example, is an intelligent and economic way to practice healthy eating. Broccoli sprouts are rich in protein and low in fat. The lipids present in the sprouts showed a high proportion of linoleic and linolenic acids. The sprouts have a high content of essential amino acids, polyphenols, flavonoids and a high DPPH free-radical scavenging capacity. The sprouts are a rich source of sulforaphane, to which are protective effects on health. Mung beans is another example of a great sprouting plant and one of my personal favorites! Mung beans contain many antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenolic compounds that protect the cell. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer and inflammation are all caused from free radicals from poor diets and once they are made during digestion and metabolism, they destroy the cell and its organelles. Test-tube studies have shown that plants such as mung bean sprouts can stop this damage with their supernatural chemicals called anti-oxidants! Try making some spouts and microgreens and add the power of God- the Creator of ALL things onto your plate and watch how HIS properties in these superfoods can heal chronic disease. The teaching that the first cell spontaneously popped into being without the Creator is a pre-scientific myth! DNA, RNA, membranes and proteins are impossible to make, properly folded, addressed, and turned on and off at just the right time! No first cell could exist without ALL of them and you cannot keep existing if you do not slow down aging and disease! Receive your healing miracle! Blessings, Dr. Carly Comments are closed.
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